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Mobilgrease 33
Order online hereMobilgrease 33 is a high-performance lithium-complex grease designed for general-purpose aircraft use. Its consistency is between the NLGI grades 1 and 2. Mobilgrease 33 utilizes a 100% polyalphaolefin base oil and premium additives which ensure outstanding lubrication performance over a wide temperature range and operating conditions.
The lithium complex thickener system provides excellent structural stability and resistance to water wash-out. Polyalphaolefin base oil is used in Mobilgrease 33 because of its exceptional thermal/oxidative resistance potential, low volatility, and superblow-temperature capability, without the potential vulnerability of an ester base oil to degradation from reaction with water.
The synthetic polyalphaolefin base oil offers excellent low-temperature mobility/pumpability and very low starting and running torque values. In addition, the state-of-the art additive system in Mobilgrease 33 provides superior rust and wear protection and load-carrying capacity compared to aviation greases that meet the minimum requirements of the MIL-PRF-23827 specification.
Here you can find the latest version of the technical datasheet
Here you can find the latest version of the safety datasheet